
亞里斯多德  "All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire."

                                        --- Aristotle

"人類的行為源自於下列七種原因中的一種或多種:隨機、自然、強迫、習性、理性、情緒、願望。"             --- 亞里斯多德



    亞里斯多德(384 BC - 322 BC)是希臘的評論家、哲學家、物理學家、動物學家、在知識界與柏拉圖齊名。從他這句名言可看出,他對人性的洞悉不亞於宗教學家。有一本書"橘子香蕉經濟學",把人類的行為動機歸納為三類,經濟的、道德的、及社會的。亞里斯多德的分析更為細緻,這兩種對人為行為分析獲得的結論有異曲同工之妙。掌握人類行為的動機,對人會做什麼? 為什麼會做?,或對某件事的反應了然於心,有助於超然的看問題。



Cause : 原因、理由、動機
      "What was the cause of the accident?"

      "You have no cause to complain."

       "World peace is a cause we should all work for."


compulsion : 強迫、強制

       "John will take his medicine only by compulsion."


       "She felt a sudden compulsion to hit him."


habit : 習慣、氣質、個性

       "He never read these books, for he had long lost the habit of reading."


    "He admires her cheerful habit of mind."


 passion : 情緒化、情慾、憤怒

       "You may have a passion for her, but it isn't love."


       "At those words of mine he broke into a violent passion."




   通常記單字不要只死背它字典的意思,要同時背下三個例句,才能掌握它的意思。切記!有些單字有相關性,像“cause” 理由“because”因為”please””plea”、和”pleasure”,字義相通,以聯想法記憶,可收事半功倍之效。


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